Monday, December 05, 2005

My wish list

I have a list of mundane items but I might as well publish them for you to know how boring I really am. I am not wishing for world peace because that is something that should happen throughout the year and in Miss America pageants. I thought about wishing for a new supersize-me chest, but Snark vetoed that also. These items are not listed in the order of importance:

* A new Kate Spade purse.
* A vanilla-orange flower candle from Bath and Body (Tahitian Vanilla Company).
* Wine (Sokol-Blosser, Joseph Phelps Pastiche,Rionda Prosecco. I could go on and on but I won't).
*Andrea Immer Robinson's 2006 wine buying guide.
* Dinner at the French Laundry in Yountville, Calif., (Had a reservation this year but had to cancel).
*Being invited to dinner at someone's house.
*Finding as great a book group as I had in Baton Rouge
*Every single book that Gerald Durrell wrote.
* The recipe for banana black bottom pie that I had at Palace Cafe (actually I just want the pie, who cares about the recipe).
* I want my chest to miraculously inflate itself to pre-breastfeeding days. Barring that, I want saggy boobs to be "in."
* Tickets to a Barry Manilow concert
*A girls trip(mine disintegrated) where the girls don't make excuses about why they can't go.
*A babysitter at my disposal (Mary Poppins preferred)
* Trip alone with Snark, preferably to the French Laundry
*I wish for my kids to realize that when I make you "real" macaroni and cheese you should shout for joy not turn your nose up and ask for the blue box.
*My neighbor to stop watching me drink my coffee in the morning and then comment that he has not seen me out there lately. Just creepy!
*I wish J.K. Rowling would hurry up and finish Book 7.
*I wish Robert Redford would offer me a million bucks because I sure as hell would not be going back to Woody Harrelson.
*Pants that actually fit your waist and don't show my bum when I bend over. Nobody needs to see it.

Yes I realize that some of these wishes are unattainable but that is why they are wishes.

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