Friday, December 30, 2005

"Honesty"... is such a lonely word

Is there such thing as complete honesty between people? Between husband and wife? Between friends? How honest a person are you?

I can truly say that I am very honest with Snark. Actually, I do fib a bit on the price of my handbags and clothing. Really, just the handbags. I don't buy outrageous clothing so he doesn't care. The handbags are a different story. By a little fibbing I mean by reducing the price by a $100.00...........or so. Okay, I can't even be honest on this blog.

Snark believes in honesty. When I was pregnant with the eldest, I made the mistake of asking him how I looked in jeans(As a newbie pregnant person, who knew you did not do that.). He made the mistake of telling me that my butt looked big. But that is how our relationship works. There is really nothing we hold back. That is a good and a bad thing. I can tell him anything but that also provides fodder for "do you remember when you did................."

How about your friends? Do you tell them they look horrendous in their outfits? Do you tell them that they are a little too blonde?? That their kids are rude little midgets? I don't. I would rather seethe than tell people what I really think. In my opinion, honesty is not always the best policy. I find my female friends would rather not hear the truth. It hurts their ears.

The biggest mistake I made with this blog was letting my friends know who wrote it. Now I get e-mails asking "Is that me??" So I am stating now. It may or may not be you. Just enjoy. Am I being honest when I say that it isn't you? Like I said before honesty isn't always the way to go.

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