Sunday, June 04, 2006

Things I am trying to do.......maybe

Find luggage for my India trip. I finally found some on Ebags. Won't come in till the 9th, I leave the 12th. Nothing like last minute packing to get your blood boiling.

Figure out how many pieces of clothing to bring for the girls and myself. This requires endless loads of laundry and actually cleaning out the closets. I just can't make myself do it.

When is my friend Megan's daughter arriving? This could be accomplished by picking up the phone and checking the due date and then sending gift before I leave. All this requires more organization than I can handle right now.

Very envious of pretty blogs. I am trying to get some free skins and will not rest till I figure this out. Did I mention I leave for India in 10 days? Yet, this is high priority.

I have not bought anything to occupy the girls on the flight. Why? when they have deemed me the entertainment who gets the honor of sitting between them. 33 hrs of avoiding fists and hearing the word "butthead". Did I mention on international flights they have free alcohol?

Trying to relax and achieve the Zen state by slogging through Elizabeth Peters "Amelia Peabody" series. Just can't seem to get into it. Switched to Dorothea Benton Frank and so far she's been a snooze but my friend Amy says it gets better.

Whoever said summer was relaxing!

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