Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The Pyrite Retriever!

I am ashamed at times. I own a Golden Retriever that is a disgrace to the breed. Now, we're not talking about some golden haired mutt I plucked out of someone's backyard. We're talking lots of research and meeting with a few breeders before we settled on one we liked.

Her dad was the face of Pro Plan and her mother a show dog. Sophie is beautiful, a true gold and medium build. Her behavior is not that of the breed. People snicker when they realize what a weenie she is.

Contrary to popular belief Golden's are not hulking mounds of slobber. They are supposed to be between 55-65 lbs and light to medium gold not red or orange. We leave the darker shades to the Irish Setters of the world. Well, since I have now revealed that I am Golden snob, you will understand why she shames me.

1. She hates the water. This dog was bred to be a water dog. My dog quivers with fear when she sees any body of water larger than a water bowl. She cries and barks her fool head off. Unfortunately for me she thinks anyone who jumps in the pool needs to be yelled at and saved. So in an effort to stop them from going in she bites their bums just hard enough to annoy them.

2. She feels guilty with anything in her mouth. She hasn't learned the rule of "If you have illegal food or a stuffed animal, run away." She finds us and wags her hinder around then drops the item in front of us while looking sorrowfully at it.

3. She is 4 years old going on 6 months. My other Goldens were calm by this age. This one is Peter Pan. She refuses to mature. She treats everyone like a long lost relative and firmly inserts nose in their crotches for emphasis.

4. She is scared of everything. A bird flew out of a tree she was laying under, causing her to yelp and come running towards me for safety. Lizards scare her. She seeks them out then runs when they face her.

She's going to be drummed out of the Golden Retriever union if that happens again.

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