Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mothers Day!!!

This is to all the women who have made me want to get out of bed everyday. I will try and not exclude anyone from my speech.

My mom and my grandmother--These two ladies have supported me even when they thought I was crazy ( which is often). My grandma loves me so much she flew from India so she could be there when I had my oldest child. She instilled her love of family and reading in me. I hope to be as strong as my grandma is. My mother, I can't say enough about. She's my mom. She had to put up with my Sybil like self during puberty into early adulthood. She was still standing when I came home from a month long trip to say I was getting married and then threw the best party.

My two wacky daughters. They fight and beat the hell out of each other during the day and then curl up next to each other at night. My younger one puts her sister's homework and lunch in her backpack. The older one lets her sister sleep next to her when she is scared. They write me notes saying they love me and when can they watch the tv. Please circle yes or no. Yes I love you, No you cannot watch the tv during the week!

My aunt- for having this zany sense of humor that enabled all of us to live through my teen years and my wedding. When things were heated my aunt injected a bit of humor to lighten up our lives. She treated me as the daughter she should have had.

My mother-in-law who has loved me unconditionally. When times are low my mother-in-law always says that life bounces back and God will provide. And she is right.

My friends Amy and Traci who are really my sisters. They just don't know it. I love them and hope they know that there isn't a thing that I wouldn't do for them. Words don't express how I feel. They are my family.

My bookclub and Newcomers Club in Baton Rouge. These ladies made me feel so welcome. The Newcomers embraced me and I never met so many nice ladies in one place. My book-club reinvigorated my love of reading. The great thing was we could severely disagree about a book and still have a great lunch after. I miss them.

My friends scattered around the world. I may not write often or call even less but I think about you all the time.

Have a wonderful Mother's Day!

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