Sunday, October 16, 2005

Blog beginning

I am in a parenting-life crisis. Let me clarify this and say I am not running off to be the Unibrow lady at the circus nor have the urge to elope with the school bus driver.

I am in the state of flux that no mom tells you about. The full-time school years. We look foward to them. We talk longingly of the days when we pack the little beasts onto the bus and skip home to drink a hot cup of coffee or go the bathroom and not have it be a town hall session.

My state of bliss lasted approximately a month. I am bored and don't want to enter the workforce. I have six uninterrupted hours to myself, yet I am mildly depressed. There is no sound except for the dog tooting the mountain of laundry.

What happened to my massages, manicures, hair appts? Well I just don't feel like it damn it! I just moved to this sunny little burg in central Florida and between getting kids ready for school and cleaning the house(where does the laundry come from?) I am pooped. When I do feel like going to get a manicure. I inevitably smear a finger two seconds out the door and I go home to take the polish all off. It isn't worth it.

There is a small sect of us that stayed home to be with our babies and now they are in school we feel lost. I haven't found any of them yet but I can feel they are out there. I wish I could meet them. Maybe I'll put on my tin foil hat and beam them in. I meet the ladies that have little ones still at home or the ladies that have too many friends that they can't afford to add one more to the group. Where are the mothers that are free from 8-2? Did they abandon me to get jobs?

I thought about getting a job and then the more I thought about it the more hives appeared on my body. I could just imagine the questions.

What do you like to do?
Read and drink wine. In fact if you have a position that involves telecommuting and reading while I am sitting on my porch with a glass of wine, I am highly qualified.

Your resume says you taught. Why not teach again?
Because I don't like children. Well I don't like other people's children.

I feel like I am obsolete. The term "housewife" is a dirty word. I see pity in other womens' eyes before they throw me the bone "Well, you do work. You do the hardest job of all." They must teach that saying in seminars. Everyone says it. It is so trite.

I would rather somebody say"That sucks. Hate to be you." More refreshing.

So lavacakes is about being refreshing. The names have been changed to protect the not so innocent. You may shake your fist at me in anger or agree. But keep reading. If you feel like posting please e-mail me and I will let you. But if you feel like yelling at me keep it to yourself. I have family members who already do that.

I will try post a recipe. I will talk about "drinks". No, that does not mean I am an alcoholic. I will write bad film and book reviews. As my friends know I have an opinion, I just have to figure out how to phrase it elegantly. Please check out my links. Most important of all,if you enjoy it please pass the blog address on. One day Oprah will invite me on her "Favorite things" show and I want to thank all the little people as I am receiving my mega-bucks digital camera. Or I would just settle for someone e-mailing me and saying "Keep writing because I am reading."

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