Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year

I have made it through another year. I learned a few things along the way.

I could travel 27 hours on a plane with my kids without going insane

My mother is once again a married woman. A little sad. I was used to having her all to myself.

Never tell Snark about the various stages of girl puberty. It's the closest I've ever seen him come to vomiting.

Never volunteer for the PTA. There is always someone more psycho than you in it.

People who say they don't have an opinion are in denial

Insurance companies don't care that you were a day early on your cleaning. You must pay it all because you disobeyed the rules!!

My girls are hysterically funny. They get that from me.

There are still bitchy professors that are out to get you thirteen years later.

Twilight sleep is not an option for me. I actually have to usher my daughters through puberty.

There are people who have no shame. Case in point. I have had two people, who I barely speak with, ask me to babysit their children and house sit. The only time they call is when they need something. Shame on them for asking. Double shame on me for consenting.

No matter what my worries are, the fact that I have Snark and friends like Amy, Traci and Lisa make anything that I am upset about a little less worrisome.

Hopefully this new year brings a lot more revelations.

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