Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Back to school

The girls started school a week ago. It starts earlier every year. They are not thrilled and quite frankly niether am I. The school they go to believes strongly in mental telepathy. They don't require note-taking or explanations. I think they really believe that you can learn by osmosis.

I also start school on Thursday. I have an online class I am taking and an evening class. The evening class ends at 9:30 which is past my bedtime. I will need a caffeine jolt before I go to class.
In typical fashion, I have a paper to write as an intro to my Lit class and I am waiting till today to do it because I have read most of the books. I could have done it weeks ago but why bother. Nothing like the last second to get the juices flowing and the stress level up.

I am a little prejudiced against my instructor(whom I have never met). She requires that an intro about myself be saved on a 3 1/2 disk. Really, does she know that most computers now do not have 3 1/2 inch drives. She must be 114 yrs old or has never seen a computer from the last 3 years. Can you tell I'm going to endear myself to her.

Happy Birthday Mom!

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