Monday, July 31, 2006

The Ugly Truth

I read this article today. This mother wrote on how bored she is being a mother. I laughed out loud because she is getting blasted by people for telling a basic truth. Anything done for a long time tends to bore us. Whether it be motherhood, marriage, your job. We wouldn't have articles on how to spice up our lives or magazines dedicated to "1000 different ways to entertain your child."

She does mention that she has a nanny. That probably was the bit that set mommies around the world off. That and the fact that she exposed a side of motherhood that none of us want to talk about. If we did, that would expose us as being "BAD" mothers.

Taking the kids to school everyday is not a fun thing to do. A typical car scenario with my children involves yelling, threats and ends with me cranking up the James Blunt while they fight in the back. I wouldn't consider that exciting.

Doing laundry does not excite me, cleaning their rooms is not a joy, and making sure that they wash their hands every time they exit the bathroom is something I would rather not do. So I deal with these boring mundane things and live for the moments when someone says I have polite kids or they stick up for one another. I have to admit those moments are pretty awesome.

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